Monday, October 8, 2012

All Signs Point to...

----->  Depressing

  1. I keep making simple mistakes while completing a job application process and I feel that it makes me look like a sloppy and hasty candidate.  All mistakes are unintentional, but I still feel embarrassed.
  2. I had to look up my loan information while filling out a funding application for the job mentioned above (which has to do with #1)... It's not pretty, folks.  I'm looking at about $60,000 worth of debt!  
  3. A death in my education cohort has really made me think about how much time I've spent in class and not getting a chance to really do something or make an impact in the classroom.  We're so close and I'm disappointed that someone will not get that opportunity.
----->  Hopeful
  1. I am really getting along with my lead teacher; we had a serious chat one morning last week and we have both changed for the better.  I'm sure she is feeling great, too!
  2. It's my last week of "full control" in my first placement, which is sad, but exciting!  I cannot wait to completely finish and start my career!  I love teaching and I know it is what I'm meant to do.
  3. The weather has been beautiful since Friday and it's supposed to stay that way all week!
  4. I'm looking forward to events I've planned for the weekend (I wish there were little smiley faces for me to post here, but blogger doesn't have that option, I guess!).
  5. I recently did something for myself (outside of the classroom) that I'm hoping will have a positive impact on my future!
I ended on a positive note because I truly am feeling positive.  Yeah, it's scary to think that when I get hired, it will take two years of an average teacher's salary to pay back my loans, but I'm okay with saving and living simple for a little while!  My education was worth it.  

I've really started to think about how much I'll miss my current students and I'm happy that I've had this experience; ups and downs.

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